
4 Trimesters Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Conference


Beyond childbirth education classes. A full-day conference to support and educate budding parents, wherever you may be in your journey – from conception, to pregnancy and birth, to caring for your baby. Whether you’re trying to conceive or just thinking about it, expecting or your baby has arrived, be truly prepared and empowered by creating connections with Toronto’s top birth professionals  – including doulas, infant sleep educators, naturopaths, nutritionists, therapists, yoga teachers, osteopaths – and other families.

The nine plus months of pregnancy are traditionally broken into three trimesters of three months, each with their own unique characteristics and concerns. Modern families and caregivers are also acknowledging a fourth trimester in the early months of a baby’s life, when they are still intensely vulnerable and require closeness and connection that mimics life in the womb.

The 4 Trimesters conference features an inclusive, holistic approach to pregnancy, birth and childcare, with four separate streams addressing these four trimesters. Presenters include a variety of practitioners and specialities sharing a common goal.

I’m thrilled to be presenting alongside so many professionals that I admire and respect, many of whom are colleagues that I trust enough to refer my clients to, but also use for myself and my family.

I’ll be sharing Passing Through the Gate: Birth as Your Rite of Passage.
While our culture often treats birth as a medical event, childbearing can be a profound opportunity for our personal transformation and growth. Explore how meaningful ritual, ceremony and storytelling can honour and enrich your unique journey.  

I’ll also be with Jennifer Lee of Up with Baby to show you how to Keep Baby Close: Babywearing Basics. You will soon be responsible for a tiny human being who’s the greatest comfort is your embrace. A baby carrier is a useful parenting tool that can help free your hands while meeting the attachment and contact needs of your baby, such as prompt response to baby’s communication and frequent feedings. In this workshop, we will cover the main benefits of babywearing related to infant development and responsive parenting, carrier types and how to wear your baby safely. We also hope to simplify babywearing to help you smoothly transition into parenthood because it is such a life-changing and practical skill. 

Your conference ticket includes:

  • Four hour-long workshops delivered by local perinatal professionals geared specifically to where you are in your reproductive journey
  • A panel discussion on Raising Socially Conscious Kids
  • Plenty of opportunity to connect with other local parents who are in the same place on their perinatal path as you

4 Trimesters Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Conference

Sat Oct 27, 2018 from 9:30am-5:00pm

at Artscape Youngplace – 180 Shaw

Registration now open – $104.00, $158.00 for couples
